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Topic: Pitchbends (Read 2401 times) previous topic - next topic


Why is it that when any newbie posts a message asking for help with pitchbend and the multipoint controller they get answers that go all around the houses without saying nothing or you get a link that lets you download a piece of music ( which sounds good ) but again tells you exactly nothing. It does't tell or show you how its done at all.
I to would like to be able to use the mutipoint controller for pitchbending but whats the use of posting a message when you don't get any real answers on how to use it. So come on, is there anyone out there with a decent instruction guide.


Re: Pitchbends

Reply #1
I see you posted a followup enquiry, and I've put a comprehensive answer there which took almost an hour to write (  Another person also put a lot of effort into helping you, and posted a much more concise message ahead of mine.

I resent seeing complaints such as yours, even though I know you're frustrated.

The participants in this forum are just ordinary users of the program, just like you.  We're literally scattered all over the world, we don't always run to our computers and log into the forum as soon as we get home from work, and we're not paid to help you, but we share our knowledge because we were all beginners at one time or another and know what it's like.

If you are given an example as an answer to your question, then take the time to look at it carefully.  Sometimes that means checking the properties of the item in question.  Highlight it, then press Control-E for that.

For what it's worth, there is someone in the UK who was writing a user manual for MPC.  I haven't heard from her in several months so I don't know if she ever completed it.


Re: Pitchbends

Reply #2
Sorry for the double posting only I wasn't quite sure if the first one had gone through.
