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Topic: Notation Playback for Guitar (Read 2669 times) previous topic - next topic

Notation Playback for Guitar

When writing notation for guitar the playback is one octave high, is there anyway to leave the notation the same and get the play back to be the same as the guitar would sound?

Re: Notation Playback for Guitar

Reply #1
From the menu item Staff.
Choose Properties.
Choose Midi.
Change the Transposition box to -12.

Re: Notation Playback for Guitar

Reply #2
If you mean outside of MIDI, and just so the player knows you can write 8va above the staff. that means play an octave higher.


Re: Notation Playback for Guitar

Reply #3
Or use the "octave down" option when you select the treble clef (by pressing "c", it doesn't offer with the icon)