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Topic: Importing Files (Read 3977 times) previous topic - next topic

Importing Files

I have been wanting to import some of the songs I have on my computer but they are in mp3. Is there any way I can import mp3s or does anyone know of any programs I can get that changes mp3s to midis?

Re: Importing Files

Reply #1
Oh noooooooo.... after eating Tokyo, this monster wouldn't die.

Folks ... It won't happen. Check out the numerous existing threads on the forum, for many laborious explanations of why not.

Re: Importing Files

Reply #2
... but if you are determined, there are some utilities that can help a knowledgable musician discern which notes are being played, so that the MIDI can be created manually. These utilities are like time-recorder spectrograms. One such program, recently relesed and free, is at:

This is the equivalent of singing a tune that you know, then trying piano keys until you hit the ones at proper pitch, then writing down the notes manually.

Re: Importing Files

Reply #3
... and, might I add, you would probably be better off plunking the piano than using any of the programs.


Re: Importing Files

Reply #4
Yeah, I checked out ScoreExtractor.  You would be better off plunking the piano, or just learning to use your "inner ear."