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Topic: NWC32.EXE Command Line Options (Read 12985 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC32.EXE Command Line Options

I am attempting to get Windows 95 to import .MID files to NWC32.exe if I select the "Open" option from the menu.... This involves a whole set of DDE (Dynamic Data Exchange) options which I have absolutely no clue how to set!!

If anyone can help with this, e-mail me back and let me know! :-)~¤~


Re: NWC32.EXE Command Line Options

Reply #1
Unless I misunderstand what you are trying to do, you can import .MID files by selecting IMPORT from the file menu in Noteworthy Composer. When the dialog box opens, just navigate to the folder or disk that contains the MID file you want. The IMPORT funcyion defaults to MID format, but if it doesn't, just select MID in the scroll box at the bottom of the IMPORT window.

Re: NWC32.EXE Command Line Options

Reply #2
You can also set NWC up in the Send To menu if you have Windows 95, or simply drag and drop your MIDI files onto NoteWorthy Composer after it is open. An Option (on Tools menu) also allows you to control whether the Import Wizard is automatically run when you drop files this way.

Re: NWC32.EXE Command Line Options

Reply #3
Thank you both for your responses, but I think I need to rephrase...

What I want to do in Windows 95 is to be able to take a .MID file, right-click on it, and select "Open" from the pop-up menu that appears. When I do this, it should import itself into NoteWorthy Composer.


Re: NWC32.EXE Command Line Options

Reply #4
Well, in that case:
1) Open Explorer and select Options... from the View menu.
2) In the File Types tabs, scroll down to your Midi file entry (probably under "M")
3) Double click it, or select it and press Edit (or type Alt-E)
4) In the Edit File Type dialog, press the New button
5) Name the Action (Open with NWC)
6) Use the Browser to find and select NWC as the application to perform the action
6a) Ignore the DDE (or see 6b below)
7) Press OK
8) Press OK!
9) Press OK!!

Now when you select a MIDI file in the browser, you should get "Open with NWC" as a right-mouse menu option.
Try it out. If you don't get the file importing, add a "%1" after the Netscape pathname at Step 6.

Now, if you really want to use DDE as well...
6b) Select the Use DDE option
6c) DDE Message is [Open("%1")]
6d) Application is NWC
6e) Not running is left blank
6f) Topic is System




PS: Eric, wanna add this to the tips page?

Re: NWC32.EXE Command Line Options

Reply #5
Still not working... but I believe that screen you refered to is the correct screen I need to be on... I tried using [Import("%1")], and that didn't work. Perhaps someone at NWC knows a little more DDE than I?

thanx for your help, Andrew


Re: NWC32.EXE Command Line Options

Reply #6
NWC does not support an "Import" DDE command, although as Andrew points out, you can use the current Open command (as used by *.nwc files) to create an Open or Import menu item for *.mid files, exactly as he describes.