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Topic: change mono wav to stereo wav? (Read 3409 times) previous topic - next topic

change mono wav to stereo wav?

I am trying to make a CD of my moms singing and I've recorded the wav. files, now I just need to put it on to a CD.
The thing is that my CD writer only accepts Stereo Files, and the files I just recorded are only mono. Is there any way of changing it? I've tried downloading converters, but when I convert them they still stay at mono. Any other free programs that actually work (known from experience)? Please help me...
Thank you

Re: change mono wav to stereo wav?

Reply #1
I doubt this has anything to do with NoteWorthy Composer.

Re: change mono wav to stereo wav?

Reply #2
Ah, but it DOES have something to do with NWC, indirectly. My own reason for getting NWC, years ago, was to prepare MIDI practice tracks of songs so that I could learn them. Once, I sent a relative a tape (not CD) of me singing karaoke-style to the NWC-MIDI background.

Jen: I don't know if I have the solution to your problem, but have you tried the free Windows Media converter from Microsoft? Find it on their website. I am not referring to the player, but to the utilities for creating Windows Media content. The converter can take MP3 or WAV input, and convert it to WMA (Windows Media) format with a variety of options. Perhaps it can turn mono into double-mono "stereo." I am told that some CD burners, particularly if driven by Windows XP, can accept WMA format as input.

Re: change mono wav to stereo wav?

Reply #3
Where is Reply 2?

Re: change mono wav to stereo wav?

Reply #4
Reply 2 was removed by SYSOP, but when this forum had its visual makeover, they forgot about poor SYSOP and now the message just disappears completely. It was removed because it didn't comply with the rules.


Re: change mono wav to stereo wav?

Reply #5
Getting back to the point, be it OT or not;

Any wave editor should do it. If you own a SB card, you already have one: Wave Studio

Otherwise, you should find another such as Cool Edit. Try the Shareware Music Machine
