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Topic: instruments (Read 2305 times) previous topic - next topic


If you are using a lot of different instruments, what do you do if you run out of midi channels for the different instruments?  You can only have 15 channels for each file and only one instrument for each channel.

Re: instruments

Reply #1
You may have several synths available.

To know, go in the options' MIDI tab (Tools | Options).

The Available play devices box lists the sound devices that aren't used by NWC. The Devices used by playback box has the synths currently available for use in NWC. You can transfer devices from one box to the other with the arrow buttons in between. Each synth offers you 15 new instrumental and 1 new percussion channels, but the quality may vary.

You can then choose among the available synths for each staff in its properties (F2), MIDI tab, through the Play back device combo box.

But note that if you use two devices, the staves affected to the second one will only be heard by people having at least two synths, with NWC set up accordingly.

If you want to stick to more standard practices (or if you have only one synth), try to group on the same channel instruments that can use the same patch (e.g. the string quintet, a trumpet and a cornet, a flute and a piccolo, etc.) But you'd then only be able to define one volume value at the same time for all these instruments, and if the whole string quintet is on the same channel, you can't have some playing arco while the others play pizzicato, for instance.

There are some difficult decisions to make. Good luck.