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Topic: Crescendo for dummies! (Read 4157 times) previous topic - next topic

Crescendo for dummies!

I'm a newcomer to NWC and am using the trial version 1.75  Most of it seems intuitive enough, but the helpfile is less than helpful (to a dummy like me!)

first question..  I've heard talk of a manual (online?)  Is there such a thing?

second question..  The thing I am having most difficulty with is understanding how to use the Dynamic Variance thing to create a crescendo across a number of notes.  I know it has something to do with the dynamic tab and the "overide default note velocity" thing and the "overide default midi volume" thing - but I can't make head nor tail of what the numbers are that I am supposed to put in the boxes, nor what part the fff ff ppp p mf (etc.) symbols on the toolbar play in this - are they just ornamentation or should they have a positive effect on how a piece sounds?

(As you can tell, I'm all at sea here!)

Also, can I apply a crescendo effect across all the staves or do I have to do it one stave at a time?

Can someone offer a step-by-step guide or point me to a place where there is such a guide?

Many thanks,


Re: Crescendo for dummies!

Reply #1
Keep things simple to start with. Let's insert a crescendo

  • Insert a dynamic (e.g. p) at or before the start note of the crescendo to establish the initial dynamic. These dynamics actually do affect playback, whereas text ones don't.

  • Position the insertion point where you want the crescendo to start.

  • Tab to Insert/Dynamic Variance and select crescendo

  • Position the insertion point where you want the crescendo to finish.

  • Insert the closing dynamic (e.g. ff).

  • Press play, sit back, and admire the result.
dim, decresc and cresc all work the same way [exactly the same way - if you dim from p to f you will actually get a cresc!] You can hide any or all of these markings if you don't want them to appear on the printed page.

Don't worry about velocities and volumes just yet until you get the hang of the simple cases.

And yes, you have to do it on every staff.


Re: Crescendo for dummies!

Reply #2
first question.. I've heard talk of a manual [online?] Is there such a thing?

In addition to the manual provided by NoteWorthy Software Inc. both as hard-copy and on the CD in PDF form, there is a user-written "Command Summary" (truly a book in its own right) available from the Scriptorium which is well worth the download.


Re: Crescendo for dummies!

Reply #3
Thanks guys -I've playd about with it for a whole afternoon and I've got the hang of it now!

(I've stopped worrying what the numbers mean!)



Re: Crescendo for dummies!

Reply #4
You'll need to learn a few things about General MIDI, of which we have real experts, such as Fred, Barry, Bob Lim to name but a few, around.

The numbers indicate the velocity and volume values. Eg:


means that the following note will be attacked with 20 velocity and 127 volume values whatever the channel volume is.

Note that, the dynamic style has no real effect on the actual dynamic value. You can have a


or an

   fff(0,0) (which will mean silence)

as far as the numbers concerned.

Once you are done with the terms velocity, volume, attack, what I've written must be a peanut for you :)


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