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Topic: Control of Highlight (Read 3311 times) previous topic - next topic

Control of Highlight


I registered several years ago, and use your program almost daily. Often I want to copy a portion of a staff that is duplicated later on the same staff. The standard procedure is to highlight the area of the staff to be copied, use control-C to copy, and use control-V to paste to the new location. However, when the part to be copied is longer than the width of the monitor's screen, it becomes difficult and frustrating to try to "hit" the right boundary of the portion to be copied "on the fly". It is usually easier to go beyond the right boundary, even to the end of the staff, and then edit and delete the additional portion after it has been copied-and-pasted in this undesirable fashion. The copy-and-paste works fine!! It just takes extra effort to edit the end points. Am I missing something? If I click on a left boundary and then drag the mouse, darkening the area to be selected, is there some way that I can control the speed at which the music scrolls when I reach the right-hand side of the screen? Maybe a control code (for measure-by-measure) or something that has passed me by? Thanks for your help.

Re: Control of Highlight

Reply #1
I think your "problem" is that you use the mouse too much.
The "measure-by-measure" exists : it's Control+Left or Control+Right.
Use Shift to make the selection.
Example: Ctrl+G, 5, Enter, Shift+Ctrl+RightArrow(5times)
will select from the measure 5 (incl.) to measure 10 (excl), whatever the size of your screen or zoom.

A reason why I enjoy NWC so much is its easiness of use with the keyboard. I rarely use the mouse indeed!!!

Hope this helps either :)

Re: Control of Highlight

Reply #2
P.S. you're not obliged to sue Ctrl+G + number to go to the measure you want to. A simple click may be quicker :) (especially if on screen, and not on the same staff)

Re: Control of Highlight

Reply #3
In summary, you can select notation in a staff by pressing and holding the Shift key while moving around. You can move to the next bar line (right or left) by holding the Ctrl key down while moving right or left with the arrow keys. You can combine both of these by pressing and holding the Shift and the Ctrl keys, and moving right or left with the arrow keys.

Re: Control of Highlight

Reply #4
You learn something new every day! I also have been in the habit of selecting many meausres using the mouse. I should have realized that NWC would have a way of doing it from the keyboard, as described above. (No doubt, also described in the instructions, but hey...)


Re: Control of Highlight

Reply #5
Very neat solution, indeed! Thanks for your help.