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Topic: Problems with NWCs Midi (Read 3457 times) previous topic - next topic

Problems with NWCs Midi

Hi. I have a weird problem in NWC that I cna only have 8 staffs and if I include anymore than that, it will give the added staffs a weird midi drum sound. I cant seem to overcome this. It is really frustrating when I am trying to write more large scale works. Is there a fix for this or anything I can do to overcome this?

Also, is there a way to do trills in NWC or do I have to write out the notes manually?

Re: Problems with NWCs Midi

Reply #1
When you add a staff, NWC automatically assignes the next vacant midi channel to that staff. This means that if you already have 9 staves and add another, NWC will give it midi channel 10, that's the percussion channel.

You can always manually change a staffs midi channel from Edit > Staff Properties > MIDI.

Don't assign to different staves to the same channel.


PS: On midi channel 10, every individual pitch is assigned to a specifical instrument. You can learn them from the sample mididrum.nwc

Re: Problems with NWCs Midi

Reply #2

NWC has no built-in trill capability.

If you want just the look of a trill, use the trill symbol from the BOXMARKS font available from the NWC Scriptorium's "Helpful files" section.

If you want the sound of a trill, you have to write out all the little notes manually (cut&paste can ease the laboriousness of this a bit).

If you want both, use a visible but muted staff for the look and a hidden but audible staff for the sound.

About Ertugrul's comment "don't assign different staves to the same channel". This is true most of the time, but I've never run into trouble with this as long as the instrument patch is the same on all staves on the same channel. You just have to remember that events are sent on a per-channel basis and that things like MPC's, patch changes etc. are going to apply to all staves sharing the channel.

Re: Problems with NWCs Midi

Reply #3
i also have a midi problem.
i have a new motherboard - pentium 3.
i am using onboard audio card set in
bios as soundblaster. this is because
my other computer has the vibra128 now.
so the new computer is using driver
the problem is when i play my songs in
noteworthy now, the notes are not
played at the same time as the sound.
the music sounds first, then a second
later the music on the staff goes red
to show note being played. how do i
stop this?
i love your software - but i know
this problem is because of my new
motherboard. can you help me please?


Re: Problems with NWCs Midi

Reply #4

Re: Problems with NWCs Midi

Reply #5
ALthough you report that you hear the music before the note highlights, I suspect that you are actually experiencing the reverse. It is fairly common for software synthesizers to exhibit a relatively high audio rendering latency (as compared to traditional MIDI synths). There is nothing you can do in NWC to overcome the latency delay built into a synthesizer. If the mismatch between note highlights and the play back audio is distracting, you might want to disable the note highlighting (Tools | Options).

Re: Problems with NWCs Midi

Reply #6
Perhaps Noteworthy could add a User inputted "note follow delay time" in an upcoming version if you have a software synth? Then it could be adjusted to your liking. :)

Re: Problems with NWCs Midi

Reply #7
Don't know whether it's applicable to your on-board software synth, but the latency can be greatly reduced in some other products (such as Yamaha's SoftSynth) by using the DirectSound driver. If you haven't already, get the current version of DirectX (free from microsoft) and see if that helps. There may be a setting in the sound configuration utility to select the DirectSound device.


Re: Problems with NWCs Midi

Reply #8
thank you for your help.
i understand the things you have said to me.
i will look for directsound with directx.
however, i have test again with some pieces and the midi definitely sounds before the music highlighted. i am not stupid, i can read music.
thank you!