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Topic: Brush Set revisited... (Read 3747 times) previous topic - next topic

Brush Set revisited...

Some time ago, I posted a message about accessing the Brush
set on my AWE32. The manual states how 'easy' it is to
select the other GS drum kit mappings, yet I have tried and
tried to no avail. Though I got some suggestions from tech
support and some other gooroos in this forum, I still have
not been able to get any other drum kits to work. Surely
someone out there has an AWE32 (or even AWE64) with some
added DRAM (I have 8mb), is running NoteWorthy Composer,
and has used other drum kits.

If you are out there, please reply to my e-mail address.

Thanks in advance...


Re: Brush Set revisited...

Reply #1
Copy of what I sent to Andy (for public interest):
It just so happens I am using altenate drum kits with an AWE64 with 4Meg
Stick to channel 10, but designate a different Patch (instrument).
It's a bit of hit and miss, but the brush set is 41 (Violin).
