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Topic: Dynamics placement (Read 2486 times) previous topic - next topic

Dynamics placement

I seem to remember that you used to be able to designate precisely where you wanted a dynamic to be placed above or below the staff. I can't do that anymore - the dynamic takes its own space, no matter what, which means it sometimes places itself on a note, a lyric word or whatever. Any solution or workaround? Thanks.

Re: Dynamics placement

Reply #1
You can move any dynamic as before, by selecting it and pressing CNTL-E or ALT-Enter (or Edit Selection with the mouse). Then adjust its vertical placement as desired.

With V1.70 there is an added functionality: simply select the item (dynamic, text, etc.) and CNTL-SHIFT together with the up- and down-cursor keys to move the item vertically (just as you've always been able to do with notes). You can even move multiple items in the same selection at once. The rule is: if the selection contains any notes, only the notes are moved; otherwise, all items are moved by the same amount.

If you want access to all the properties tabs when you first enter an item, then go to Tools --> Options --> Editor tab and turn off "Smart Properties Insert".




Re: Dynamics placement

Reply #2
The "Preserve Width" option on the Expression Placement tab will enable you to specify that any expression should maintain its space on the staff.