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Topic: lyrics ( underline) (Read 3692 times) previous topic - next topic

lyrics ( underline)

How do you add underline at the end of lyric phrase?

Change my Heart, O God,_____


Re: lyrics ( underline)

Reply #1
Underlines disappear on the score.
Why not use ...... instead?

Re: lyrics ( underline)

Reply #2
You can use alternate characters available in most fonts. E.g. in Times New Roman you can use ALT 0150 (looks like this ––– ) or ALT 0151 (looks like ——— ) ... fiddly but workable if you make a string of 3 or 4 of them, then copy / paste as required.

Re: lyrics ( underline)

Reply #3
Barry, Yes, I found out that underline disappears on the score. I tried your suggestion but it lengthens the size of the measure, so that didn't work.

Fred, I've printed your note and will try your suggestion.
I'm a new NWC user, I'm learning from the message BB's.



Re: lyrics ( underline)

Reply #4
Fred, I have printed out your message and have gone back to NWC program....I don't quite follow what you are talking about....You mentioned ALT 0150 and ALT 0151 don't know what you mean. Please explain! I'm not to formular with Fonts in NWC.


Re: lyrics ( underline)

Reply #5
These are character codes. The easiest way to deal with them is by selecting them in the Character Map program that comes with Windows. Microsoft has moved it around quite a bit, but it is always somewhere in the Start | Programs | Accessories folder tree, if you have it installed. Sometiems it is in the System Tools folder underneath Accessories.

If it is not installed, you can install it from the Windows CD using Start | Settings | Control Panel | Add/Remove Programs | Windows Setup. In Windows 98, it is in the System Tools section.


Re: lyrics ( underline)

Reply #6
Just hold down the Alt key, type 0151 on the numeric key pad, then release the Alt key.