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Topic: blank staff (lines only, no notes) (Read 2528 times) previous topic - next topic

blank staff (lines only, no notes)

On page 26 of the Users Guide it says you can hide chosen symbols,so you can print, for example, blank manuscript paper, perhaps, a top staff of music, with the lower staffs lines only, to be worked on in pencil first. But when I follow the instructions, I get nothing, How is it dine?

Re: blank staff (lines only, no notes)

Reply #1
What do you mean by "I get nothing" in your question? If you hide all of the items in a staff before printing, you will only get staff lines when you print. To hide everything:

1 - Press Home
2 - Pres Shift+End
3 - Press Alt+Enter
4 - Click Visibility
5 - Set "Shown on printed page" to Never
6 - Press OK


Re: blank staff (lines only, no notes)

Reply #2
Yes - it works! I musthave been doping something wrong.

Something else - it is a pity you can not enter expression symbols like ,"hairpins" (crescendo, decrescendo lines) easily as is possible I think on some other software. I hope this can be added to NWC sometime.