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Topic: Gooey stuff! Oops, I mean GUI stuff! (Read 2580 times) previous topic - next topic

Gooey stuff! Oops, I mean GUI stuff!

I've been seduced by the Noteworthy interface again after a long period of inactivity.... ah, musical inactivity, of course. =)

Buttons and windows and clicks work perfectly for most places but after putting in a new work into Noteworthy I found a few things that would make my intimate moments with Noteworthy much more satisfying.

I have noted a few things below. I'm sure this information will be of value to Noteworthy as they continue to refine their gorgeous creation: Noteworthy Composer.

1. would be awesome to be able to edit the Channel value and Track name from the score review. Just put the values in fields so we can double click and change. (I have wanted this many times, eg after wacking in a whole score and having to go through and change the channels to hear it... also when copying in tracks from various files)

2. the Page Setup window has got to be wider. I write a piece with 20 tracks and those extra clicks every time I want to copy out a different part is very annoying. (going from Preview to Contents you have to click the little arrow)

3. full screen mode. This would really help me focus more on what I'm doing. I am a great believer in desktop area. if the menu and top bar and start bar could disappear (keep the toolbars there though) while I'm adding phrases and choruses my life would be so much more pleasant. (hit a function key to turn off full creen mode)

I'll remember to jot the other things down next time I'm in Noteworthy having a great time.

If you also agree that these would increase your efficiency (no pun) or have other suggestions please put down your thoughts.

mmm I feel creamy.

Re: Gooey stuff! Oops, I mean GUI stuff!

Reply #1
Make sure you put you ideas on the wish list. Wishes are granted and most of yours make sense. It may take a couple of versions revisions to get there, but many of the requested items have finally appeared in version 1.7. Granted, Eric doesn't seem to implement wishes that make the program something it's not; however, wishes that enhance that balance between notation/sequencer seem to find their way in.



Re: Gooey stuff! Oops, I mean GUI stuff!

Reply #2
Would it be possible to also add a non-linear view? I don't know how difficult to do but would you consider that a big step forward?

This would be really good for me so that I can see when my symbols, dynamics, chords and lyrics, go across the bar line and get chopped off when I save the page as a WMF and import into Word.

Otherwise, could Noteworthy please put in an outer margin when the image is saved as a WMF from the preview screen to stop bar numbers and other things getting chopped off.

Thankyou with Kindest Wishes,
The Dirty little red bug.