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Topic: anyone have standards in Eb and Bb? (Read 2466 times) previous topic - next topic

anyone have standards in Eb and Bb?

if you have notated jazz standards in Eb or Bb could you email them to me? I am a piano player and I have already notated some Eb and Bb but it would help me if some one could send me their transpositions. I have bought stacks of books of jazz and funk tunes in C but I don't have the time to transpose and write everything into other keys. (even though it is quick to do in NOTEWORTHY -- once you have done the Eb version you can easily do the Bb version... which is what i REALLY like!) i am working with okay players but i don't trust them to transpose everything, especially when i have paying gigs. i have regular gigs and this would help greatly. otherwise i will just go solo with a bass player and drop the alto sax and trumpet.
cheers to noteworthy!

Re: anyone have standards in Eb and Bb?

Reply #1
PS, I am running version 1.55 which is VERY VERY good!
so if you can email them in that format I will be grateful.
(doesn't matter what key you have it in... I can transpose to the key I have printed in the books)


Re: anyone have standards in Eb and Bb?

Reply #2
I have a 6-piece jazz combo (set, bass, piano, trumpet, sax, trombone) and I do all of the writing / arranging for the group. We play parties and dinners regularly and are farily well-recieved, even by the non-jazz community. :)
I can send you a list of songs that I have done, I would be very interested in trading some stuff because we are running out of new stuff to do. The most common key is F but there are a few Eb and many Bb charts.
