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Topic: Pedal release not executed when immediate down (Read 2623 times) previous topic - next topic

Pedal release not executed when immediate down

Hi everyone who reads !

I've got a little problem when playing back : when a pedal release mark is immediately followed by a pedal down mark, my keyboard keep the preceeding notes running. It's quite annoying, because in piano pieces, it's very often used. Is there a simple solution, or is it due to my MIDI keyboard (Yamaha PSR-540) ?

Thanks a lot in advance

Re: Pedal release not executed when immediate down

Reply #1
I was able to test this on a PSR-520, and did not have the problem you describe.

Re: Pedal release not executed when immediate down

Reply #2
One solution I may have to offer:

Make sure that the Pedal Down marking and the Pedal Up marking are on the same channel -- sounds like a simple thing to fix but I've been stumped on this one before when I had the treble / bass staves on different channels.


Re: Pedal release not executed when immediate down

Reply #3
I have the same problem on my DB60XG. Must be a Yamaha thing (or a "Some Yamahas" thing). If there is no intervening note between the pedal-off and the next pedal-on, the pedal hangs. Something I've learned to live with by putting an un-sustained note between the two events.


Re: Pedal release not executed when immediate down

Reply #4
Maybe a small explication I have found while testing my keyboard : in fact, when you release a note, the default reverb effect make the sound to continue during a small period. If the pedal is pressed while the sound isn't over, the remaining volume is maintained. So I was able to solve the problem by creating a third staff (on the same channel), where I insert a small rest before pressing the pedal back on.
It looks like :
|o d d o |
|%Ped S.. * %Ped S.. *|

where % means a sixteenth rest, S.. a double-quoted quarter rest, o a quarter note and d a eighth note for example.
I hope you have understand !
Thanks a lot for your advices !