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Topic: Detuning Noted from within NWC (Read 3674 times) previous topic - next topic

Detuning Noted from within NWC

Now this is gonna be a good one.
Is it possible to detune slightly a note from within NWC?
What I mean is can one make a B sound something between B and B# for example?

I am asking because this would enable multiple usage of channels assigned the same instrument yielding a more "realistic" sound for e.g. violins or two guitars playing the same notes at sync. This would more sound like two guys that have manually tuned their guitars, but as usual tuning would not be absolutely perfect. Soundfonts on the other hand use e.g. one guitar sample zone that then can be assigned to two channels. But that will not sound like two fellas playing the same notes at sync. Detuning one of them just a trifle will make it sound more realistic!

(P.S: Am I asking for too much maybe???)


Re: Detuning Noted from within NWC

Reply #2
You can do this using a "multi-point controller." Just for grins, I made a file called "badpiano.nwc" which sounds like a bar-room piano. It uses 3 pianos playing in unison, but one is tuned a little high and one a little low. So it sounds like the 3 strings of each piano note are a bit out of whack. The only unrealistic part is that they are all exactly out of whack by the same number of cents. However, the beat notes you hear change with the pitch since the absolute difference in frequency changes as you go up the scale.