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Topic: Solo Line? (Read 2729 times) previous topic - next topic

Solo Line?

A piece of choral music I'm trying to notate has an extended solo at the beginning (a full two lines worth). I'd like to be able to print just the treble staff for the beginning rather than a bass staff with nothing but rests. Any suggestions?

Re: Solo Line?

Reply #1
This can't be done in Noteworthy. It can be done by copying the page (from Print Preview) into a paint program or desktop publisher, and re-arranging it yourself.


Re: Solo Line?

Reply #2
Well, in fact you can do it within NWC, but you'll have to use two times the same paper sheet for the first page : one time with the solo alone (a real solo then ;-), and a 2nd time fiddling with upper margin, without the solo, to make the systems appear under the already-present solo.

You'll need to reset margins to normal for the following pages, and it's better in that case to have 3 separate files : one for the solo, one for the rest (first page), and the third for the following pages.

hoping your printer accept twice the same page without jamming (you'll need to re-enter it yourself in any

do not hesitate to ask for details if i'm not clear enough.
