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Topic: Midi tempering program (Read 3437 times) previous topic - next topic

Midi tempering program

I've just uploaded to the newsgroup a beta version of a program to temper midi files according to pre-defined or custom-made scale tempers. It's actually an adjunct to my "Harmonic Analyser", and all are invited to participate in beta-testing the program.

If you want the program and don't have access to the newsgroup, email me.

Re: Midi tempering program

Reply #1
It'd be nice to have it. Just one question (but I think I know the answer since Midi doesn't make the difference): is C# the same note as D flat ? In the same score I mean.
But at least we're not really able to set key signatures to *real* tempers, not only "tempered". Violonists will appreciate!


Re: Midi tempering program

Reply #2
Yes. For tempers that have different values for the two enharmonics, you have to decide which one you want it to use. (Usually, a given piece will have one or the other, seldom both.)

Prog's on its way!

Re: Midi tempering program

Reply #3
I have another question. How do you deal with chords ? Maybe with several channels, but then can you have several instruments playing together ?

Re: Midi tempering program

Reply #4
You can have one, but not both. (I.e. multiple instruments/ no chords, or single instruments with chords). A "sequel" is in process for piano/harpsichord music (for example), which splits each tone to its own channel. Stay tuned! ;-)


Re: Midi tempering program

Reply #5
The "sequel" (called "Piano-Tuner") is in beta, you can download it (and also the other harmonic and tempering utilities) at:

Try out Piano-Tuner on NoteWorthy's "moonlite.nwc". Fascinating.