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Topic: Upgrading problem (Read 2540 times) previous topic - next topic

Upgrading problem

I am a registered user of NoteWorthy Composer. The program NWC32.EXE is in folder C:\NoteWorthy Composer. My old version is 1.50, so I downloaded yesterday the new 1.55 version. When I try to run the upgrade, the setup can not find the NWC32 to upgrade it. The failure message seems to indicate it is looking in C:\Windows. I have tried moving both the old copy and the upgrade to various locations and I always get the same message.

Any suggestions? Thank you.

I really like the program, and have used it extensively for some classical arrangements and for some transpositions.
Bruce Clark

Re: Upgrading problem

Reply #1
Assuming you are using Windows 95 or Windows 98, you either:

- are trying to use the 16-bit upgrade on your 32-bit copy of version 1.50

- do not have the complete set of files from the 1.50 installation (missing files will cause the upgrade to fail)

You can try manually selecting the correct upgrade target folder, or you can simply download the complete 1.55 setup program.

Re: Upgrading problem

Reply #2
The NWCUPG32.EXE upgrade seems to assume that all the NWC files are in the \windows directory. I finally got the updating done by copying the NW*.* files to the Windows directory, doing the upgrade, then copying back to my directory for the Composer: \NoteWorthy Composer. When I tried to use the browser, it would not show up the
\NoteWorthy Composer directory, I suppose because of the long name. Perhaps the browser in NWCUPG32 needs upgrading!
Anybody else have a "long name" problem?
Bruce Clark


Re: Upgrading problem

Reply #3
If the upgrade is unable to find the approproate file "foot print" for the 32-bit version 1.5 edition of NoteWorthy Composer, the search will fail and the upgrade may "default" to the Windows folder. Moving the NWC files is not necessary. Even if this happens, you simply press the folder button and select the appropriate folder. You still may get errors, though, since the search did not find the corrcet set of files that matches a valid copy of NWC.

As I said before, assuming you are using Windows 95 or Windows 98, the search may fail and default to the Windows folder if there are any missing files in your NWC installation. If you deleted any of the original files installed during the original setup, then the upgrade will not find the correct folder during its search. This usually will not prevent you from upgrading, although you will have to manually select the appropriate folder by pressing the Folder button before selecting Apply.