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Topic: Second time only (Read 5403 times) previous topic - next topic

Second time only

How do I indicate that a line in the score is to be played "second time only"?

Re: Second time only

Reply #1
To *indicate* that a section is to be played second time only, insert "second time only" as text (do I hear the sound of grandmothers sucking eggs?)

To actually get NWC to play it second time only, include the section in a 2nd time special ending. This would also be a valid way of indicating it in a score but over-long 2nd time bars are a pain in the neck!

Stephen Randall

Re: Second time only

Reply #2
Marking that line as a 2nd special ending didn't work. Naturally I'd tried that before posting.

Re: Second time only

Reply #3
Your note didn't indicate whether you were using "local repeat" or "master repeat" -- special endings only work for the latter.

Re: Second time only

Reply #4
I used master repeat. The 1st and 2nd time bars (known as special endings to NWC) in that section work fine as they should. But that's wandering off topic since I'm interested in 2nd time only indications, not 1st and 2nd time bars.

Re: Second time only

Reply #5
I can only think of "2nd special ending" for the "2nd time only" part, and "1st, 3rd, 4th... special endings" for the other part. If you would send the section to me in an NWC file attached to an email, I'll be glad to have a look at it and see why the "2nd special ending" didn't work. (unless it was because you didn't had the other "ending" numbers to the 1st ending.

Re: Second time only

Reply #6
Thanks for the offer, NWC file on it's way.


Re: Second time only - how-to

Reply #7
Especially in brass band music, it is common to have segments in a repeated part that are to be played only the second time around ("play only 2nd time", in German typically marked "nur 2.x").
It's not too hard to
  • have NWC print the score in such a fashion
  • and also play it correctly -
but as I did not find a "how to" example in the forum I thought I'd add one --> see the attachments!


(Yes, that's a very ... very very old thread - but its title fits perfectly :) - and adding NWCTXT was not yet possible then ...)

Re: Second time only

Reply #8
Did you hear me? I was just doing something similar!  :))
Only one difference: instead of using ppp I'm using the expression multipoint controller with values of 0 and 127 for muted and play.
Of course my method can't be used in your example as is because the expression multipoint controller operates on the whole channel.


Re: Second time only

Reply #9
Of course I heard you  ;) - loud and clear. So I thought, let's post it ... But I have to try the multipoint controller approach (should work with my large scores, where instrument are assigned channels) - I have to get used to them anyway ...
