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Topic: markers (Read 2913 times) previous topic - next topic


The marker object is very helpful, but it could stand some improvement. Specifically:

  • It would be useful to have a horizontal offset as well as a vertical offset. Sometimes, especially in complex scores, it is necessary to start a slur on the same line as the note it begins on. (Yeah, it's wrong. But it can sometimes help legibility.) When this is done, there needs to be a tiny bit of air between the notehead and the slur, which can't currently be obtained. Also, moving triplet brackets slightly sideways can help separate the triplet's vertical bar from the stem of a neighboring note.
  • And speaking of triplet brackets, it would sometimes be useful to be able to move them closer to the notes. Again, good practice usually says to put the bracket above or below the staff. But in a dense score, it can be difficult to tell which notes the bracket belongs to if that particular "good practice" is always followed.

Just hopin'....

Re: markers

Reply #1
  • And speaking of triplet brackets, it would sometimes be useful to be able to move them closer to the notes. Again, good practice usually says to put the bracket above or below the staff. But in a dense score, it can be difficult to tell which notes the bracket belongs to if that particular "good practice" is always followed.

Just hopin'....

This is already possible. You just need to use two markers, before the first and final notes of the triplet:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

Re: markers

Reply #2
It's also worth noting other marker effects with triplet signs.

Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]

The first triplet is the Noteworthy default for that combination of notes.
The second triplet shows the triplet sign moved below the notes even though the notes are tails up.
The third triplet shows a sloping triplet sign below the notes
The fourth triplet shows a sloping triplet sign above the notes
The fifth triplet shows the triplet sign being made invisible.
The sixth triplet show the triplet sign being a different color to the notes.



Re: markers

Reply #3
Adding to Rich's post:
Code: (nwc) [Select · Download]
When markers are added at the beginning and end of a beamed triplet, they can be used to force the bracket on, either on the stem or notehead side.