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Topic: Difficulty trying to tie certain chords. (Read 2331 times) previous topic - next topic

Difficulty trying to tie certain chords.

How do I tie two chords together with one (or more) of the notes in the chord is an accidental of the other?  For example, say one chord is C-E-G notes and the second is C-Eflat-G.  Any attempt to tie these  making the two Cs and Gs tied is not recognized by first highlighting the chords in question, then using the tie command..  Is there a trick to getting two or more chords tied?  LIke Major to minor chords?
novice user, but eager to learn

Re: Difficulty trying to tie certain chords.

Reply #1
Either set the tie (Slash key) before entering the chord member or after you have entered the chord without ties, right click on the relevant note and select tie from the menu displayed (sometimes a bit fiddly to right click on the appropriate note).

Re: Difficulty trying to tie certain chords.

Reply #2
One other thing to remember is that when you want to tie two chords or notes, you don't want to highlight both of them; just select the leftmost one and press "/". It will create ties to the next matching note or chord that it finds. However, for your example of C-E-G and C-Eb-G chords, it would create a tie from the E, past the Eb to the next E that it finds (or the end of the staff if it can't find one). So you would want to right-click on the E in the first chord (as Rich described above) and uncheck "Tie" to remove that tie, leaving just the ties on the C and G.


Edit - I should mention that highlighting both notes/chords and pressing "/" will work when the two notes or chords have identical pitches. However, doing a tie by highlighting only the first chord will work for either case, except that it will create "hanging ties" for any unmatched notes, as I described above.


Re: Difficulty trying to tie certain chords.

Reply #3
Brilliant!  Worked like a charm.  You guys need to write a user manual!  Many thanks.
novice user, but eager to learn