Printing on One Page 1999-01-21 05:00 AM I downloaded and installed the shareware version to evaluate. It is wonderful to be able to transcribe music on the computer!One major concern I have is being able to print one short song on one 8½ x 11 inch page, portrait, without the staff printing over to subsequent pages. If this is not possible, the software will not be of any use to me. Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #1 – 1999-01-21 05:00 AM Yes, it is possible. What you want is exactly how it works. Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #2 – 1999-01-21 05:00 AM You are correct; I should have phrased my question more clearly.How, exactly, do I print a short song on one 8½ x 11 page, portrait, without the staff spilling over onto subsequent pages? Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #3 – 1999-01-21 05:00 AM Obviously, the more measures, notes, and other items that are in a staff, the less likely that it will fit on one page. However, if it is short enough, you can fit a staff on a single page by reducing the staff size, which is set in Page Setup. The smaller the staff, the more notation that will fit on a page... Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #4 – 1999-01-21 05:00 AM This is the third time I have received this exact same message, which does not tell me how to print on one page. Will someone PLEASE tell me HOW to print a short song entirely on one page, portrait.This "how-to" is what's required before I feel comfortable in registering my shareware version and/or buying the program. Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #5 – 1999-01-21 05:00 AM I am not sure what else you need to know. You print using the Print command on the File menu. You can preview the printout using Print Preview, again on the File menu. Obviously if your staff contains too much material for the selected staff size (in Page Properties), then it might not fit on one page (this is easily checked with Print Preview).If you still do not get it, maybe you can explain why you are having such difficulty printing a single staff to one page. The JINGLE.NWC sample prints to one page, and it even uses two staves, not just one. Does JINGLE.NWC print on one page for you? How many measures does your staff contain that it will not fit on one page? What is your point size setting in Page Setup? What do you see on the printed page? Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #6 – 1999-01-21 05:00 AM Neil,Let me take a stab at your problem.With your composition displayed in NWC, do the following:1. Select FILE (upper left corner)2. Select PAGE SETUP (about 2/3 down the FILE menu)3. select the OPTIONS TAB (2nd from left)4. change the STAFF SIZE(in points): nnmake this smaller to condense the number of pages5. select OK6. Select FILE (upper left corner)7. Select PRINT PREVIEW (about 2/3 down the FILE menu)now if the NEXT button on the right is black(not gray), then more than one page is requiredto print. You can count the number of pages byselecting NEXT n times until it turns gray.8. Repeat the above steps until you are satisfied with the PRINT PREVIEW (number of pages desired). Then PrintMight I also suggest that NWC is very powerful and has great capability, and the use of HELP is essential and very useful. Also, some time spent experimenting with the numerous capabilities is necessary. Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #7 – 1999-01-23 05:00 AM What nobody has said is the NWC is not really WYSIWYG, dispite it's pretty interface. The editing display is streatched out from here to eternity (or at least as long as you are likely to we willing to enter notes). The print format is neatly folded, one staff system above another, just as you would hope.The problem is it's obvious to most of us, but not so to a newcomer.Cyril Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #8 – 1999-01-23 05:00 AM Good point, Cyril.Neil, if you are creating more than one staff in the editor, then this will not give you the results that you are looking for from the program. Make sure that you are working with only a single staff in the editor, then let NWC do the formatting onto the printed page. You stated above that you are only working with one staff, but I figured it was worth some elaboration, in case this is the problem. Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #9 – 1999-01-27 05:00 AM Neil:I think that your question has been thoroughly answered;however, as a composer and musician I want to recommend that you go ahead and register NWC. There's nothing else that comes close for the price. By the way, I have printed several songs of varying lengths, each to a single page. The answers you've received tell you exactly how to do it. Good Luck! Quote Selected
Re: Printing on One Page Reply #10 – 1999-01-28 05:00 AM Thanks to all who responded to my questions. As soon as I read that the program is not WYSIWYG I understood what I needed to to achieve the end result I desired. I hope to get much use from this program in the future as I become more proficient on my keyboard. Quote Selected