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Topic: Changing the default copyright notices? (Read 2291 times) previous topic - next topic

Changing the default copyright notices?

When I start a blank score, it by default enters my name in the Copyright notice 1 line, and "All rights reserved" in the Copyright notice 2 line. I'd like to change this so that the first line doesn't have a name at all, and so that the second line lists my CCLI number. How can I change this default info in the <blank score> template? (I suppose I could just use the "basic" template, but that would be too easy...besides, curiosity compels me now.)


Re: Changing the default copyright notices?

Reply #1
Your question includes the answer. Start a new score using <blank score>, make the changes that you desire, then save it into a new template. Now, use this new template instead of the predefined <blank score> when starting new work.