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Topic: printing glitch with boxmarks (Read 3084 times) previous topic - next topic

printing glitch with boxmarks


I was writing out some instrument parts last night and came across the following glitch. I was using the Boxmarks font for multiple rests and rehearsal letters. When I went to print preview, the automatic stave wrap failed - ie - the printing appeared to continue beyond the margin of the page. Also, when I used the right-arrow curcor key to scroll through the stave, I would reach a point where the scrolling would stop and then eventually jump to another point further along the stave. This only happened with one of the staves. I tried copying the whole stave to a completely new file, but the problem was still there. The file is not long (only 3 A4 pages of music) and I have had no problems with any of the other instrument parts. I finally solved the problem by removing the rehearsal letters. Does anyone have any bright ideas what went wrong?


Re: printing glitch with boxmarks

Reply #1
This can happen if you have a gosh-awful-long measure that's too long to fit on the page (or screen). Usually this only occurs in "free-form" music (no time signature, and not enough bar lines) or in, say, something in 12/4 that's all in 1/64's and you're trying to print it with a 20-point staff size. Solution: add a bar line where you want this big measure to be split. Alternately, (for the screen) zoom out (the "-" magnifying glass) or (for the printer/preview) select a smaller staff font-size in Page Setup.

Re: printing glitch with boxmarks

Reply #2
Thanks for the ideas - but I don't think that is the exact problem - the offending sequence had a double bar line, a single bar with a boxmark mulitple rest, a single barline, a boxmark rehearsal letter and another single bar and boxmark multiple rest character followed by a double bar line. It was just like any other sequence in the same piece, as far as I could see, but I will check the file carefully tonight to see if there is something amiss.

Thanks again


Re: printing glitch with boxmarks

Reply #3
Do these "rehearsal letters" involve long text strings? If so, your problem may be because text strings that cross a bar line do not wrap when the staff wraps (ie. the string does not get split). The solution is to divide up the text string so it does not cross a bar line where the line wraps. I don't understand the cursor problem. If it still happens, perhaps you could post a copy of the song.


Re: printing glitch with boxmarks

Reply #4
The symbols for multi measure rest do not occupy any time space in the measure - it's really an empty bar containing text - this could be the problem.
Add a whole note rest in the 'multi-rest' bars and fit the symbol around it.
If you add a rehearsal mark before the bar with 'preserve width' off you can lose the rehearsal mark off to the right of the end of the system.

Sorry but this is a problem that Boxmarks can't solve!