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Topic: lyrics (Read 3191 times) previous topic - next topic


Can I print out the lyrics of a song without printing out the music. It seems like that should be possible, but I haven't found a way to do it yet.

Re: lyrics

Reply #1
You may simply copy the lyrics from inside the lyric window and then paste into your favorite word processor.
It's a little bit lengthy as you have to do it for each staff and for each lyric line.
If you've entered the NWC piece yourself, you should better work the other way: first type your text inside winword or wordperfect ( or ...), copy it and then paste it into the lyric window.


Re: lyrics

Reply #3
When copy/paste-ing your lyrics text into a word processor, you may want to replace the '-' between syllables by a "conditional hyphen" which will print only if needed. This will give "normal" text.
With µ$word, do a global replacement from
and it's done.
Example : the lyrics (in NWC) "Safe from all troub-le and dang-er and harm." would become "Safe from all trouble and danger and harm." in a second.

Note that I'm working on a utility that would do the hyphenation automatically (in French ; for English, I'd need to know what criteria define a syllable (seems much harder to me than french). Unless Eric tells us he will add one :-)

Hope this helps