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Topic: Falling ties (Read 2899 times) previous topic - next topic

Falling ties

I lost trace of the open issues with ties and slurs, so bear for me if this is already known.

In this snippet
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the tie is fine until the lower note is added, then, as you can see, the tie "slips down" looking like a slur for the lower note.

Re: Falling ties

Reply #1
I don't see a problem with measure 1.
In measure 2, the tie does not "drop". It just seems that way because of the augmentation dot.
Perhaps measure 3 in my attachment is less likely to cause confusion.

Alfred's discussion of Ties is not much help. In its subsection: AVOID AUGMENTATION DOTS, the tie clearly starts just above the dot. But in: ADJUSTMENT OF TIES, the tie is much lower. Too low, I think.

IMO, an upward tie should not start below the top of the augmentation dot. A downward tie should not start above the bottom of the augmentation dot. In all cases, the tie must end at the same vertical coordinate as the tie start.
Registered user since 1996


Re: Falling ties

Reply #2
You're right: the tie don't move. It's the effect of the moved augmentation dot.
Anyway it surprised me.

In all cases, the tie must end at the same vertical coordinate as the tie start.

I agree.