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Topic: Arpeggio? (Read 4154 times) previous topic - next topic



Maybe this would not be called arpeggio, but when we play it watching the piano bar, there are two stuck notes.
If viewed with different program which uses Piano Roll, the outcome image is attached.

NWC User since 2008

Re: Arpeggio?

Reply #1
Why do you want the ties from the hidden grace notes to the muted grace notes ?
Your stuck notes are probably because the ties are trying to find a subsequent note to issue a note off command.
Some sound cards won't be able to deal with this.

Re: Arpeggio?

Reply #2
This is by design. IOW, it is not a bug.
When using NWC as a sequencer, it is sometimes useful to produce a MIDI note on without a note off (aka note on with velocity zero).
Tying a note into a muted note is the method NWC uses to do this.
Its counterpart is a muted note tied to a non-muted note which produces a note off without a note on.

The following produces only 1 note on and 1 note off:
Quote from: MIDI hacks
|TempoVariance|Style:Breath Mark|Pause:16|Pos:7
|TempoVariance|Style:Breath Mark|Pause:16|Pos:7
One use for this is to produce a "conditional tie", observed during some but not all verses. See the attachment.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Arpeggio?

Reply #3
Thanks you all, I designed like that because I didn't want to use "Allow Layering".
Then, how about using pedal?

Like this:
NWC User since 2008


Re: Arpeggio?

Reply #4
I use those pedal marks all the time in handbell music.  Handbells have an LV (let vibrate) marking, that means not to damp the handbell when the duration of the note runs out.  All handbells are damped at the next LV marking, or the next R marking (ring normally), whichever comes first.  I add LV's and R's as text expressions, and then I have a user tool which appends a pedal release and pedal down after each LV, and a pedal release after each R.  Works great, and I no longer have to hack up some audio staff version with all kinds of tied notes!  I can only assume (and hope for your sake) that grace notes will sustain just like regular notes.  If so, I can imagine a version of my script that can automate adding pedal marks for arpeggios.