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Topic: stupid question (Read 4108 times) previous topic - next topic

stupid question

I'm totally new at midi. When I play something using clarinet, it should transpose the music. Does a midi clarinet automatically transpose, or is the music "written for clarinet" pre-transposed.
Second, is there any way to get the instruments to sound more like what they are supposed to sound like? The midi clarinet sounds like a computer playing music, and sounds the same as brass section and the same as piano.

Re: stupid question

Reply #1
In general, your sound card will usually play every patch in Concert C (A440) tuning, unless you set it to comething else. In NWC, this is done in the Staff Properties (F2).

It is not always possible to get that "perfect sound" using computer soundcards. However, if you are currently using a soundcard that uses FM synthesis, then dramatic improvements can usually be achieved by moving up to a soundcard that supports better patch reproduction (such as one that uses WaveTable synthesis).

Re: stupid question

Reply #3
I Realy nead help with a stuped thing
I re-wrote the words for a song called sweet dreams (M.Manson)
now I want to make a backtrack for it wich I need In approx.
19 hours in wich I have to study, sleep, work etc, etc.
So I am looking for a nwc file for it on the i-net
and I can't find it if anyone has a sugjestion please e-mail
me and tell me what to do..
P.S I do have Noteworthy

Re: stupid question

Reply #4
I Realy nead help with a stuped thing
I re-wrote the words for a song called sweet dreams (M.Manson)
now I want to make a backtrack for it wich I need In approx.
19 hours in wich I have to study, sleep, work etc, etc.
So I am looking for a nwc file for it on the i-net
and I can't find it if anyone has a sugjestion please e-mail
me and tell me what to do..
P.S I do have Noteworthy


Re: stupid question

Reply #6
Webcrawler search for "Sweet Dreams" and "midi" found the thing in about 2 minutes, 2 minute save, 1 minute NWC import, 2 minutes to do outgoing Email with attachment. Song is in the Email. Technology is grand when it works.