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Topic: Accents (Read 3400 times) previous topic - next topic


Here I can't put the accent where I need it:
Code: [Select · Download]

What I'd like to have is something like:
Code: [Select · Download]

Here the accent is in the wrong note:
Code: [Select · Download]
It should be on the upper F but I found no way to put it there; that is, this snippet doesn't work:
Code: [Select · Download]

Of course I can easily solve the problems using layering, but the thing surprised me.

A last thing.
I found no way to remove the accent using the GUI. I had to copy, edit and paste back.
Code: [Select · Download]

Re: Accents

Reply #1
[The accent] should be on the upper F but I found no way to put it there;
Try this:

A last thing.
I found no way to remove the accent using the GUI. I had to copy, edit and paste back.
You can remove the note and re-add it.

You have stumbled into a host of reasons why layering was added ten years ago.
When you put 2 voices as one object, the object needs too many options that may apply to the top, bottom or both voices. Slurs, beams, articulations, stem lengths, etc. That said, NWC2 could let you add add or remove articulations. The stem direction could be shown, and one ought to be able to flip the stem direction via the GUI.

And inexplicably, RestChords cannot be beamed ...
Registered user since 1996

Re: Accents

Reply #2
If all you care about is the printing, entering as text is faster than trying to find work arounds.

Carl Bangs
Fenwick Parva Press
Registered user since 1995

Re: Accents

Reply #3
If all you care about is the printing, entering as text is faster than trying to find work arounds.
No workarounds have been presented in this topic.

I agree that if you need to get it out the door in a hurry, text is the way to go. For piccolo extractions and Db to C transpositions, I use text in place of many articulations, breath marks, grace note slurs into normal notes, etc. My wife  doesn't need to hear it and will perform the piece publicly at most, twice.

But if you need to maintain the score though many revisions and instrumentations, it pays to use as many layers as needed and use NWC2's positioning as much as possible. I have wedding music scored for 1 to 3 flutes + alto flute, with and without keyboard. Most have a vocal lead sheet. More than once, I've had to transpose it all for the vocalist ...
Registered user since 1996


Re: Accents

Reply #4
You have stumbled into a host of reasons why layering was added ten years ago.

Already ten years? Gosh!

If my memory doesn't cheat me, when I tried NWC for the first time layering was "provisional"...

Thank you mates.