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Topic: Multi Point Controller Question (Read 5315 times) previous topic - next topic

Multi Point Controller Question

Is it possible to assign a separate MPC (to control volume) to the different notes in a single chord?  I wish to "fade" one note while others become louder and louder.

In order to accomplish this effect, I have resorted to adding a separate hidden stave with nothing on it except rests and this single note.  Burdensome, to say the least.


Re: Multi Point Controller Question

Reply #1
G'day Debo,
In a word, no.  However... Depending on the part, is it worth using a separate staff for each voice and layer them?  That way, instead of a staff of rests, you have a staff of notes that comprise one voice of every chord...

Or perhaps have a visible muted staff and several hidden sounding ones...

If you were using NWC2, there are some user tools that make separating/combining this kind of thing very easy.

A problem with the dim/cresc combo is that each staff would need to be a different MIDI channel too.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Multi Point Controller Question

Reply #2
Another, related, question:  Is it possible to use a MPC on two separate percussion staves (Both on Channel 10) without the MPC on one stave affecting the other stave?

Re: Multi Point Controller Question

Reply #3
G'day Debo,
Short answer: no.

Long answer: While I haven't done any thorough testing, the couple of quickie tests I did suggests the answer is still no :)

This would be a midi limitation.  Perhaps "MIDI Man" could confirm/clarify a little...

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Multi Point Controller Question

Reply #4
If your synth will allow it (like Yamaha hardware or softsynths) set another percussion channel to one of the higher bank drum sets and do your different percussion dynamics on that staff.

Re: Multi Point Controller Question

Reply #5
If you have a SBLive! or Audigy soundcard and you are using sound fonts you can do it because these cards have two 'synths' which means you can have 2x16=32 MIDI channels, including two Channel 10s.
Go into Staff Properties on your first percussion stave.  Select Playback Device = Synth A (or 1); Channel = 10.
Go into Staff Properties on your second percussion stave.  Select Playback Device = Synth B (or 2); Channel = 10.
Insert mpcs on each stave as desired.
I have just tried it, and it works - but note: you can't do this with an ordinary on-board soundchip and its accompanying GM instrument set.

Re: Multi Point Controller Question

Reply #6
G'day Milton.
I have the Yamaha S-YXG50 but I can't see how to enable a second percussion channel - what am I missing?  Or do you mean to "mix'n'match" from the various percussion scattered amongst the other banks?

great idea!  Hard to share without mp3 perhaps, but still good!

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Multi Point Controller Question

Reply #7
Lawrie, re the 2nd percussion channel.  I looked on a NWC1 file I did of Siyahamba (South African hymn) where I wanted accents on both a cabasa and on bongos but on different parts of different beats, so I couldnt put those both on the same channel.  What I see in the 2nd percussion channel for Staff Properties - Instrument is Acoustic Grand Piano with "Select a Patch Bank" checked in Bank Select and Controller 0 set to 127.  An easier way to do this is to download the late [ :( ] Fred Nachbaur's NWC file "xg-drums" from the Scriptorium.  Look under "Helpful Files" and NWC files for it.  It uses MIDI channel 10 but each of the Instrument selections in the F2 tab gives a different drum set on the higher banks, probably the same result as my Bank Select method.  You might also try drum.nwc,, xg-full.nwc, xg-cond.nwc and xg.xls for ways to access drum and other sounds on higher banks.

And just for fun, try 2 files I submitted to Scriptorium, Helpful Files. gives very natural-sounding swing with dozens of pre-made tempo tracks just waiting to be pasted into your swing pieces. can be used to construct natural-sounding strummed guitar chords.  It'll have you looking for the guitarist who isn't there!


Re: Multi Point Controller Question

Reply #8
G'day Milton,
Thanks for the response...

Ah got'st ut, ah got'st ut!  Though it took me a while to figure out!  Two percussion channels, one on 10 and one 11 (I also had it on 12 so I assume you could possibly use any channel) but in NWC2 you have to set MSB to 127 - presumably that corresponds to Controller 0 though it doesn't make sense that way to me - I kinda expected the low order byte (LSB) to be controller 0.

Did not work with my Audigy hardware synths, but that may have been the sound fonts I was using - I will explore this a bit further!

The test I method I used was to have an expression MPC vary the level of the 2 staves in opposite "directions".  I.E I had a Cymbal getting louder while a corresponding drum was getting softer.

As for the drum related files, I've seen them - even downloaded them, but haven't been able to really look into them for now.  I will get to them eventually.

NOW, as for your GuitarStrum file - I am now officially kicking myself.  I have not only already seen this file, I've downloaded,  played and understood it.  But do you think I've been smart enough to actually implement it?  Not on your Nellie!  The hard work I've done that this reminder shows I could have avoided!

I've also used your "newjazz" contribution on "the odd occasion".  Thankyou for the effort - it wasn't wasted!

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.