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Topic: Problem with rest and note in a chord (Read 5405 times) previous topic - next topic

Problem with rest and note in a chord

Hi everyone I am currently using NWC for my church choir and it so happens that for my church christmas event this year there's no available pianist/organist to accompany the choir.
I decided to compose the organ and piano parts and have the choir to sing along but I have difficulty combining rest that is Bigger or Equal in value with the note in a chord. I know how to put a rest that is smaller in value in a chord but is there a way to put rest that is bigger or equal?

Scenario 1 :A quaver-rest below a quaver in a chord (rest equal to note)
Scenario 2: A crotchet-rest below a quaver in a chord (rest bigger than note)

- Troubled amateurish choir director...

Re: Problem with rest and note in a chord

Reply #1
You can't. Musically, it is never necessary. For appearance, you can use NoteWorthy's NWCV15.FNT as a user font and add them as text. Set the font size to about 133% of the staff font. e.g. Staff Size:18 -> User Font:24
Rests are represented by the letters l, m, n, o, p, q, and r.

A better and more straightforward approach is to use layers, especially for choral music.
See the sample file: layering.nwc

Note: NWC2 will allow rests and notes of the same duration, but rests longer than notes are still not permitted.
Registered user since 1996

Re: Problem with rest and note in a chord

Reply #2
It may not be necessary, but it is very common when two voices (e.g. soprano & alto) share a staff.

Re: Problem with rest and note in a chord

Reply #3
Hmmm... Ok I'll try to figure that out. Thanks a lot.

Re: Problem with rest and note in a chord

Reply #4
Use Page Setup, Contents-tab, and tick 'Allow Layering'.
You can then combine two staves by pressing F2 while on the topmost of the two, and ticking 'Layer with next staff' on the Visual-tab.
You may have to take care of a few things. For instance, the slurs and ties for the first staff should now all be 'upward'. You can do the whole staff at once. Mark the whole staff, press Alt-Enter, and  change the slur and tie directions on the Notes tab.
Also, when two notes are within a second, you will have to space them out a bit. Mark a note, and set Extra Note Spacing to 1.

Easy as pie - see if you can get it to work for you!

Re: Problem with rest and note in a chord

Reply #5
I second what Rob says - use 'Layering'.  You will need to do a bit of 'tidying up' e.g. extra note spacing, making the occasional note or rest invisible, moving rests up or down the staff etc.  But it's well worth learning how to do it, and it is 'as easy as pie' once you've got the hang of it.
Another thing I only recently discovered is: If you copy a score in Print Preview mode, you can then paste it into Microsoft Word (for example), and adjust the size to fit your page.
The more I use Noteworthy, the more impressed I am - and I am still using version 1.75!


Re: Problem with rest and note in a chord

Reply #6
Wow thanks guys :)