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Topic: Loop progression (Read 4039 times) previous topic - next topic

Loop progression

Hi Members

I am looking for information please on how to play a simple 4 bar progression "continuosuly" (better known as looping). I'd like to play a guitar solo against it (to generate some solo ideas) but I don't want to write out 24 bars of the same chords in the first 4 bars. I just want to create a backing track and have the 4 bars keep playing repeatedly without having to continuously click "play" after the 4 bars stop.

Thank you members
Wally  p.s. don't forget, silence is music too! So utilize rests where needed.

Re: Loop progression

Reply #1
Well, an easy way to do it is to just put a "local repeat open" bar line at the start of the 4 bars; then at the end of the 4 bars, put a "local repeat close" bar line, and set the repeat count from 2 up to 250.  That will keep looping the number of times you specify.  If you need more than that, then I would suggest just highlighting the four bars (with the local repeat symbols), pressing Ctrl-C to copy them; then just after the 4th bar press Ctrl-V to paste another iteration in.  That will give you up to 500 repeats.  You could even then wrap both sections between a "master repeat open" and a "master repeat close" and that would easily give you 1000 repeats...and on and on and on...

Hope this helps.


Re: Loop progression

Reply #2
Hi John,

Thanks for the advice but how and where do I find the "local repeat and close bar line"? And where is the "repeat count" setting.

Thanks John

Re: Loop progression

Reply #3
press B at the start of what you want to loop and a window will come up select the local repeat open go to the end of the loop press B again this time select local repeat close and typen in how many ever times you want it to repeat in the box thingy


Re: Loop progression

Reply #4
Hi Christian

Done. Thank you both Christian and John for your support.