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Topic: third verse doesn't play but first two will (Read 6114 times) previous topic - next topic

third verse doesn't play but first two will

I have a simple problem; I have three verses played by putting a master repeat close and open at the beggining and end of each staff so that, of coarse, I don't have to have a long print out.  The only problem is that the first two play but the 3rd verse doesn't.  The song ends imediately after the 2nd verse. Any suggestions?

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #1
Are your repeat bars "master repeat"? If so, change them to "local repeat." When you get to the close repeat, you will see that its properties allow you to specify the number of repititions.

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #2
If you want the music to look "normal", try this:

Put a Master-repeat-open.
Follow with a Master-repeat close, and hide it.
Follow with a Local-repeat-open, and hide it.
Then write the music you want repeated.
At the end, put a Local-repeat-close, with the number of repeats you want, and hide it.
Then a Master-repeat-open, and hide it,
then finally, a Master-repeat-close.

Somewhere in the repeated music you will need to let the player know how many times to repeat.  I usually place "3 X" in a large font at the end of the repeat.

Duplicate for every staff.

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #3
If you just want to repeat a piece of music three times then the simplest way is to make the ending bar (In [Staff Properties]/[General]) a [Master Repeat Close] and insert an invisible [Special Ending], with 1 and 2 checked, immediately before the final bar line.

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #4
Now that's good lateral thinking!  I tried it, though, and it didn't quite work as expected, but I found a fix.

Master-repeat-open, then immediately following, a special ending with 1, 2 and 3 checked, then the music you want played three times, then a master-repeat-close.

The whole repeat becomes the first-, second- and third-time bars!  (Do you say "first-time measures" in American-English?)

The only (minor) drawback is that you can only have a mere seven repeats this way!

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #5
Well, yes, but it works. Anyway, when you want seven repeats, and seven lyric lines to match, it doesn't look very good.
(John Notermann, you don't mind me going off course, being coarse and reminding you of 'of course'? It's an old discussion, the twin brother of "it's vs. its".)
I am still waiting for the day I will enter repeats right, without consulting 'Samples\Repeats', and without looking at manuals and in fora.

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #6
(Do you say "first-time measures" in American-English?)

In my part of the world (western Canada) we usually just refer to first ending, second ending, third ending, etc.

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #7
Can't say I ever heard "first-time measures" in the USA or in Canada. "First verse," yes.

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #8
'First time bar' in English English.

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #9
Ewan (reply 4): I suspect you put the Special Ending a bar too soon. If you put it as the very last thing on the staff then it works fine – as indeed does your solution, where you put it as almost the very first thing.

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #10
Yes, Peter - you were right.  I've just tried it again.  This way, you can have 8x.

I'll definitely be using this method now, and only switching back to my old cumbersome method if I need more than eight times, or have internal special ending bars/measures.

Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #11
"First Time Bar" - Is that the pub where you get your first pint when you turn 18 ?


Re: third verse doesn't play but first two will

Reply #12
I made that joke last month!
It must have been edited out!