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Topic: Separating Verse from Refrain in print out (Read 2316 times) previous topic - next topic

Separating Verse from Refrain in print out

My printouts for a song are all one staff, but I would like to separate them by a return if that's possible, even have a space between the two.  I also would like prevent the staff from being stretched out across the page when it has only a few measures


Re: Separating Verse from Refrain in print out

Reply #1
You can force a "system break" by adjusting the bar line properties.  Highlight the bar line where you want a break, then press Ctrl-E and click "Force system break."

If you're only using one staff, you can adjust the upper and lower sizes using F2, but that will affect the entire staff, not just the part that appears on one or more lines.

Your shorter last lines won't extend to the right margin unless you toggle on the Extend Last System feature in File/PageSetup/General,  It's probably set, but if you don't want that, it's easy to change.