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Topic: Moving up an octave? (Read 3644 times) previous topic - next topic

Moving up an octave?

Hello, I just wanted to know if there is a possible way to bring an entire section of a song up an octave or two without remaking the entire song over again. Thanks!

Re: Moving up an octave?

Reply #1
Hi Earendel

I usually do that as follows:

1.Edit --> Select All
2.Control + Shift + Up Arrow seven times
3.Cancel Select All, then Tools --> Audit Note Stems

If neccessary,
4.Again Select All
5.Control + E
6.Choose Notes tab
7.Set Slur and Tie dirtection default

Re: Moving up an octave?

Reply #2
... or select the clef, press cntrl E and enter an octave shift in the dialog box.


Re: Moving up an octave?

Reply #3
The octave shift will work for playback but not printing.

Minor variation on Kaz's method - just highlight the passage you want to move up, then follow his method.

Another way that avoids the slur/tie direction problem is simply to transpose the entire staff up an octave - tools/transpose/+12.

Re: Moving up an octave?

Reply #4

That's right. Using transpose function is good way.
But when transposed, courtesy accidentals
(which show previous accidentals are not valid
any further) are deleted.
Any idea to preserve them?

Re: Moving up an octave?

Reply #5
Thanks for the help


Re: Moving up an octave?

Reply #6
You're welcome Earendel.

Kaz, there's no way to preserve the text, but you could use the find tool (Ctrl-F) to locate them.  Maybe one day we'll get native courtesy accidentals.  They sure come in handy.