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Topic: Hidden Staves (Read 2580 times) previous topic - next topic

Hidden Staves

How do I add hidden staves, i.e. for the purpose of using trills, mordents, etc.


Re: Hidden Staves

Reply #1
Click "Search" in the navigation bar across the top of the page.

A search dialog box will appear.

Enter the words "hidden staff".

Click "Search".

A list of topics related to hidden staves that have been discussed previously will appear.

Read/study these.

This same procedure can be used to research most topics and many answers can be found using this procedure.  If you still have questions after doing a modicum of research then ask again.


-- debo

Re: Hidden Staves

Reply #2

It's no big deal if you pop a question into the forum instead of checking the help menus, or searching the forum for your topic, but it may take a while before you get an answer.

We're all just users of the software, and the forum is for us to help each other.

To add a hidden staff, just press Ctrl-A to add the staff.  Go to File/Page setup/Contents and toggle it off. Now it's invisible.  Toggle it on, it's visible.

Re: Hidden Staves

Reply #3
Forgive my inorance Debo, but where is the Search Bar you mentioned, I can go to help, then serachm and I did, and entered hidden staves, but all I could find was hidden noteheads.