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Topic: NWC2 upgrade (Read 2099 times) previous topic - next topic

NWC2 upgrade

I am confused about how I will be treated when the final NWC2 is released.  I bought version 1.70 a few years ago and have done the web updates to the current 1.75b.  However, I am not eligible for the free preview or beta version  of NWC2 because I do not have the CD for 1.75b.

Does this mean that I will have to pay for the upgrade for NWC2 (at whatever the rate will be) but those that were eligible for preview will get it for a lower cost or free?

I believe that I can order the 1.75b CD as a replacement part for $15.  Will this make be eligilble for the preview program?

I love this program has have been a loyal user and I am willing to pay something for the development costs of the new version, but I just want to know that I will be treated fairly and not be penalized for buying a licensed copy a few years ago verses someone who just bought the program and can get the NWC2 preview and a free or lower priced upgrade to the final version.



Re: NWC2 upgrade

Reply #1
I think that I found the answer to my own question on the NWC2 home page:

"If you are a registered user..." "Purchase a ... CD ... if you would like to participate in the preview."
