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Topic: Recording from midi keyboard (Read 3331 times) previous topic - next topic

Recording from midi keyboard

My Casio keyboard is connected to the PC via a USB converter cable.  This works fine, but seems to impose a delay on the incoming notes.  When attempting to record a supplementary part, NWC does not see the note at the time it should appear but ends up inserting spurious rests and ties. I am able to reduce (but not eliminate) this by playing VERY slowly and using cruder resolution parameters, but am wondering whether it might be possible to set up NWC to compensate.  Alternatively - any other ideas?

Many thanks for any suggestions

Andrew S.

Re: Recording from midi keyboard

Reply #1
G'day Andrew,
mate, what synth are you using for playback of the click track?  It may actually be latency in the playback synth rather than latency in the MIDI input.

If you are using a software synth, then this is almost certainly what's happening.

When recording from a keyboard, I use one of the hardware synth's in my Audigy for the click track playback, and record using an Edirol UM-1 MIDI to USB converter and it works fine - no latency issues and very clean MIDI imports.

I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.

Re: Recording from midi keyboard

Reply #2

Simply using the default midi driver on the PC - Sounds like that's where you reckon the delay may occur.  My keyboard is a Casio CT470.  Pretty old and naff - but a keyboard none the less.  I will try routing the click track into that and see if it improves things.

The s/w approach to the problem which I have seen elsewhere would be for NWC to "promote" the recorded midi forward by a specified no of milliseconds before quantising against the pre-existing music - but I guess it doesn't do that!

v. many thanks for your prompt help - somehow I failed to spot the reply originally.

best wishes,

Andrew S.


Re: Recording from midi keyboard

Reply #3
G'day Andrew,
one thing you could try...

Using ASIO effectively eliminates latency - this may work well enough for you to get a good recording.
I plays 'Bones, crumpets, coronets, floosgals, youfonymums 'n tubies.