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Topic: Ordering from the UK (Read 6190 times) previous topic - next topic

Ordering from the UK

Hi, I just wondered if anyone has ever ordered NWC 1.75 to be delievered to the UK, and if so, how much did you pay to get the item through customs?  I tried phoning customs and exise (sp?- you need a spell checker on this!!) today and just couldn't get through.

If anyone in UK has a registered copy they got via CD, can you let me know the answer to this question please?


Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #1
Sue:  Re ordering from UK, you can order direct from PDSL in Crowborough, Wast Sussex -

I got my copy from there a few years ago, but they are still doing it, until the end of this year!  They say that when version 2 is released, it will only be available from the USA.  In the meantime, if you have any problems, shout at me!  (smile)  (Crowborough is only just up the road for me!

Good luck

Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #2
Thanks for the quick response Nigel.  The only problem is, from what I gather, if you want the preview of NWC2 (which I NEED for the increase in colours) I gather you need to order direct from the USA.  Thats party why I want this program, for the colours.


Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #3
Hello, Sue,
I ordered my copy a year ago, directly from Noteworthy.
It was very slow to be cleared by Mount Pleasant customs in London (almost three weeks !) But, this was at the height of the powder scares, so that may have had some impact.
I had to collect from my local delivery office and pay a charge of £8.25
This breaks down to £4.25 Import VAT,  and a £4 Royal Mail clearance fee. (I wasn't happy about the handling fee, but that's Royal Mail for you, ha ha )

Still great value, great program .

Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #4
Thanks Frank, thats just what I needed to know, and saves me sitting on the phone for several hours waiting for the customs people to actually have a space in their queue and ANSWER me.  I now know that its not gonna cost me absolutely LOADS more to get the CD into the UK.


Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #5
I ordered NWC from the States some long time ago, thinking that the cost was less than buying here in UK.  However, I too had my post intercepted and got charged a large sum as indicated by a previous correspondent.  From conversation with other people who regularly purchase CDs from the States, whether or not your post is intercepted seems to be something of a lottery. many had never been charged anything. It might depend on how much the package looks as if it contains something apart from correspondence.


Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #6
Sue!  Sorry for the bum steer!  I did speak to PDSL, but the existing version will not qualify for the new version!  Humble apologies!  I too have just rdered the upgrade from NWC and, even at £8.25 + the original cost of $15.00, it has to be slightly better value than Coda Finale or Sibelius! I use it for everything that gets published! From single instruments to full symphony orchestra, choir and organ!!!
Have fun!  Nigel

Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #7
Sounds like the Poms get ripped off good and solid by "RoyalMail" etc. Better to live in the lucky country Oz, mostly our mail comes straight through. just that our Dollar isn't that good.

Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #8
I've always wondered what the derivation of Poms is.
I mean, I know to whom it refers, but I don't get why.
Care to enlighten?

Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #9
One idea is from the convict transportation days "Prisoner Of Mother england".

Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #10
Thanks.  That seems to make sense.

Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #12
Re the POM - it comes from Prisoner of (his / her) Majesty!!!

And regarding the Royal Mail Rip-off! I got my quaifying copy by air mail this morning, with NO customs fees (Maybe I just got a lazy postman!)

Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #13
Congrats, Nigel,
I chickened out of risking another whammy from Excise etc. and downloaded verson 2 then transferred the programme to a CD for safety. It worked very well.



Re: Ordering from the UK

Reply #14
LOLOL Nigel, I must have the same post man!!  I also got my qualifying CD with no custom charges.  I am now updated to the preview of version 2, and I am so impressed.  It does everything I want it to, and costs SO much less than many other programs out there.
