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Topic: my wish to wish list (Read 5436 times) previous topic - next topic

my wish to wish list

kinda active recently to this forum. Just wondering if this wish is constructive?
anyone think it would be good if whenever we place a note, we can hear the pitch of that note?

Re: my wish to wish list

Reply #1
<<anyone think it would be good if whenever we place a note, we can hear the pitch of that note?>>

Yeah, probably. Could be setup as another part of in the echo part of the Record tab in Options.
Don't think that'd be too hard to implement. Simply put out the note for the length specified by the note length.
It would help those of us who compose from the keyboard rather than from the ... er ... keyboard. ;-)


Re: my wish to wish list

Reply #2
I wouldn't want to hear the note echoed for the length of
the actual note. A short, pitched beep would be enough.
It could be a pain, entering a series of whole notes and
having to wait for each one to finish echoing.

Re: my wish to wish list

Reply #3
I think this would be a useful optional feature. For serious
notation entry it would drive you crazy, but for a beginner
trying to compose simple music it would be very helpful.

Re: my wish to wish list

Reply #4
Useful, but definately OPTIONAL.

Re: my wish to wish list

Reply #5
Although not exactly what you want, here is a reminder:

Don't forget about the Play "from insertion point" option (Tools, Options, Midi), which lets you press F5 at any time to hear play from your current editing position in the song.

Re: my wish to wish list

Reply #6
Wha? Eric! Don't think I've ever seen it before! When did you slip that one in? This'll be useful for transcriptions of Satie's Gnossienne! (Written without bars, I believe!)


Re: my wish to wish list

Reply #7
Be careful with music without bars. NWC requires that bars be inserted in order to format the music when printing. It also needs them for navigation in the editor.

FYI: We added the relative play feature years ago, in version 1.1. It is mentioned at:

as "Configurable starting point for play to begin".