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Topic: Increase Volume other than Dynamics (Read 2410 times) previous topic - next topic

Increase Volume other than Dynamics

Is there a way to increase the volume other than using the toolbar dynamics?  I have the instruments how I want them, but the drums and cymbals are not loud enough.  I made a second version of the score and took the dynamics down a step for the instruments, the drums sound right, but the instruments don't.

Re: Increase Volume other than Dynamics

Reply #1
An easy way is to insert a hidden dynamic in the drum line - let's say you've written mezzoforte, which is what you want to print.  If you enter another dynamic immediately after it, say fortissimo, that will replace the mf for the purpose of the playback.  Since you only want to hear the louder volume during playback but you don't want to print it, just highlight the new dynamic marking and (Control-E) set the visibility to Never.

A better way is to adjust the dynamics for the drum staff by making it the active staff and pressing F2 (staff properties).  Go to the instrument tab and adjust the default dynamics there.

Fred Nachbaur's table in gives you the default values for the dynamics, so if you adjust something you can always get back to the default if you need to.


Re: Increase Volume other than Dynamics

Reply #2
Or go into Staff>Staff Properties>Part Volume, and set the overall volumes of the parts (instruments, drums etc.) relative to one another.