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Topic: How do I get my lyrics to start at the beginning without notes? (Read 2288 times) previous topic - next topic

How do I get my lyrics to start at the beginning without notes?

Can anyone tell me how to start lyrics at the beginning of a song without including corresponding notes on the staff? I write small parts for my French horn to play with our musicians at church. I usually don't begin at the start of a song and I have gaps in time between my parts. Having the lyrics under the staff would help me to follow a song when I have those long rests. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I'm at a loss!

Re: How do I get my lyrics to start at the beginning without notes?

Reply #1
If all you are looking for are some lyrics to help you figure out where you are in the piece, then why not select a number of rests prior to where your part comes in and change the properties of the rests under "lyric syllable" to "Always".  This lets lyrics be associated with rests.  You can put multiple words on a single rest by using the underscore character between the words (no spaces).  It will display, however, as if there are spaces between the words.  The default setting is no lyrics for rests (just like the default setting for notes is to have lyrics).  The choices are "default", "always", and "never".  You can do a similar thing for notes.  I usually mark my intro's as "never", so I don't have to write a bunch of underscores in the lyrics editor to accommodate them.  This works for both version 1.75 and 2.0beta.

Hope this works for you.



Re: How do I get my lyrics to start at the beginning without notes?

Reply #2
Thanks John! This seems like the perfect solution. I will give it a try.