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Topic: new & having trouble... (Read 2357 times) previous topic - next topic

new & having trouble...

Hey everyone, I just got Noteworthy a couple of days ago.  I was writing out a song in two staves, right hand and left hand, but they don't line up and they're kind of playing at their own pace.  When I play it back, the notes aren't playing together like they should.  The bar lines don't line up, either.  I've noticed by looking at other files that the bar lines go straight through both staves.  How can I get everything to line up and sound right?

Re: new & having trouble...

Reply #1
Sounds as though the value of notes in left hand stave is not the same as right hand but I am a novice as well.

Someone will be able to help I am sure.

Re: new & having trouble...

Reply #2
I assume you're writing for piano, and using two staves, with a melodic line starting in one staff and going to the other?  If so, you have to be sure to pad each staff with rests when it doesn't have any notes in it.

When the bar lines don't line up, it means that you've got a different number of beats in a bar in one staff than you have in the corresponding bar in the other staff.  Sometimes it's obvious, like missing a note or rest, other times it's not so easy to see, like having a dotted or double-dotted note.

When checking, start from the left.  The measure that ends with the first non-aligned bar is the one where the problem is.  If that corrected the entire score, great! If not, just move to the right and fix the next one, and so on.

You can add the rests and then hide them by highlighting them, pressing Control-E, Visibility Never.  Not being a pianist, though, I'd guess that it's preferable to have the rests remain visible.

Hope this answers your question?

Re: new & having trouble...

Reply #3
David, you were right!  I was missing a few rests, and when I put them in, everything lined up perfectly.  Thank you so much.


Re: new & having trouble...

Reply #4
My pleasure.  Snooker actually said the same thing, it just took me some more words.  I'm long-winded.