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Topic: problem with waltzes (Read 2963 times) previous topic - next topic

problem with waltzes

I am currently writing a few waltzes and i have a problem. i'll try to explain it as clearly as possible and i hope someone can help me.

please note that my question is about left hand notation and it is important to fit the solution onto 1 staff.

i'll play in C major (CEG). a measure in a waltz (3/4) consists of 3 beats (beat 1, 2 and 3) on beat 1 i want a C that must last for 3 beats, on beat 2 and 3 i want a combination of E and G together. (i believe that it is usual to also put a rest above the C on the first beat, so i would like that too) . the problem is now that if i make the C on beat 1 longer (half duration and dotted) so it will last the entire measure, the EG that belongs on Beat 2 an 3 is pushed forward to the next measure.

Can this be done in NWC? (both the shorts notes whilst longer ones are still playing as also the rest above a note)

i hope that someone will understand my question and provide me with advice.

Thank you,

Stijn Berkouwer

Re: problem with waltzes

Reply #1
If I understand your question correctly then one "down-and-dirty" easy solution would be to use TWO different staves and layer the two.

Perhaps someone else will suggest another way.

Re: problem with waltzes

Reply #2
There is another way, but I almost think Rubyvic's method is preferable.

Use a rest as a chord element in the first note.

Enter a quarter rest first, and give it a note property of "stem up." (I know, rests don't have stems, but you have to do this to make it work.)  Highlight the rest and move it up a bit, to where it will look right.

Then enter a middle C dotted half note, stem down, as another element in the chord that has the rest(place the cursor to the right of the rest, at the appropriate vertical position, then use control-enter).

Then, enter the E and G quarter notes, stem up, in the same bar.  The stem up rest and notes will count for 3 beats, and won't be affected timewise by the dotted half middle C on beat 1.

Re: problem with waltzes

Reply #3
David Palmquist, you are a genious :)

the down and dirty layering had occured to me but i knew this should be build in. it happens in a lot of music.

still seems strange that you cannot add a rest to a note but that you have to add a note to a rest. maybe they're fixing it in NWC 2

anyway, it works now, thanks!!

Re: problem with waltzes

Reply #4
I believe it is not an issue of adding notes to rests or rests to notes. The issue is length; the shorter note or rest must be entered first.


Re: problem with waltzes

Reply #5
No, the rest must always be inserted first. I f you are inserting two notes then the order does not matter.

In fact, in any case, the rest cannot be longer than the note (why this is so totally baffles me, but there we are). And it takes some trickery to make it actually equal to the note.