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Topic: Tuning in NWC? (Read 6739 times) previous topic - next topic

Tuning in NWC?

Is there any way to know whether an instrument is slightly out of tune or not? I mean when it's too slight to recognize. In my previous topic, Trupet/Trombone sounds, I found out that the trombone instrument was out of tune. I need to know how to discover if any other instrusments are out of tune so they'll sound better.


Re: Tuning in NWC?

Reply #1
In your previous topic "Trumpet/Trombone Sounds" the MIDI file with the out of tune trombone sound had a pitch wheel message in the track setting the trombone sound 13 cents sharp.
You would need to open the file with a sequencer and check the event list to find that.

If you are concerned with the pitch of individual instruments as played back by your sound card you would need to record the instrument playing a sustained note (like A440) to a wave file then use a spectrum analyser to check the pitch of the wave output.

My favourite is Spectrogram - get it here:-