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Topic: Beaming problems. (Read 5553 times) previous topic - next topic

Beaming problems.

Last month, I:
1) bought a new computer
2) changed from Windows 3.11 to Windows 95
3) changed from NoteWorthy 1.31 to NoteWorthy 1.50 beta

I noticed an old beaming problem that still exists, and
also a new problem.

1) The old problem.
Several months ago, the default stem direction for notes
on the third line on the staff changed from "up" to "down".
This is ok for notes that are not beamed together. But
when we beam them, the default changes and the stem goes up.
This is also the case if you have for instance in Treble
Clef: C B A B. While not beamed, only the A has stem up,
but when beamed they all go up instead of going down.

2) The new problem.
I have two beamed notes, with stem down. I make a chord
on one note, at the same pitch, but with stem up. Suddendly,
the "beam" goes up, whilst the note figure stays to the
right of the stem... very strange!

Re: Beaming problems.

Reply #1
Another beaming problem: If I try to insert text (or anything else) between beamed notes, they become un-beamed. This is a real problem when I want to do piano fingering. I want to put a number above each note, but I can't do it. Grouping the numbers before the beamed group does not work well because they do not print out above the notes they are supposed to with out a lot of fiddling.

Even better (here comes another wish) would be direct support for fingering. Select a note and request the fingering option, and the number would be placed above the note. Multiple numbers would be stacked vertically above a chord.

Re: Beaming problems.

Reply #2
I just noticed yesterday that the non-beta 1.50 version
was available. I tried it, and I was happy to see that the
"old" problem has disappeared.

Nevertheless, there is still a problem when we try to do
the second thing.

Re: Beaming problems.

Reply #3
I enter fingering notations for guitar as follows:
First, complete the composition, perform all staff adjustments, page layout, staff sizing, margins etc.
Next, use "Insert Text", be sure to uncheck "Preserve Width"
Place the blinking cursor to the left of the beamed note group, and type in a sufficient number of spaces prior to the fingering number to allow the insertion in the proper place within the field of the beamed note group. With a little practice, you may find that it works pretty well.
Be warned that any changes to margins, page layout, staff etc. after you enter fingerings - will probably change the location of your fingering notations.

Re: Beaming problems.

Reply #4
Not so much a problem, more a case of new expectations being raised by new features.
Grace notes are wonderful and I've already made good use of them since installing version 1.5. There are many cases where I would like to indicate ornamentation with one or more grace notes, and have to sacrifice beaming groups of quavers (eighth notes) in order to do so. Ideally it would also be possible to beam a group of grace notes independently, even in between two beamed notes.

Re: Beaming problems.

Reply #5
> I have two beamed notes, with stem down. I make a chord
> on one note, at the same pitch, but with stem up.

This is a gray area in NWC at the moment, since it only allows a beam on (by its own definition) the lesser duration in a split chord. You can, at the moment, get around this by adding all three notes first, with the stem down property set for the lone note (not in a chord). If you select the pair and add the beam you can avoid the problem that you describe. You can also audit Note Stems to correct, but you may not get the result that you intended (the beam may end up with stem up).

Re: Beaming problems.

Reply #6
One more point: The exact behaviour that you describe in point 2 will be corrected in version 1.50b. Look for it by the end of the month, 28-Feb-1998 or so.