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Topic: Clipboard (Read 2199 times) previous topic - next topic


I had asked this question before but perhaps not clearly, in microsoft word for instance, when I use the clipboard it is displayed at the right corner of the screen, there I can paste about 24 clips, which I can use as need be. I have not been able to make NWC clipboard to save more than one clip for at a time. Is this possible in NWC? This feature would sure speed up my work process. I hope the question makes sense.


Re: Clipboard

Reply #1
No, this feature does not exist in NWC at this time.

The closest approximation would be to have a separate "tool box" file, in which you place your commonly-used items or strings of items, either all on one staff or on separate staves. Use the Window | Tile command to place both the tool box and your work file on the same screen, and copy/paste from the tool box into your work as required.