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Topic: audio cassettes (Read 2513 times) previous topic - next topic

audio cassettes

I know this is OT, but there are so many highly knowledgeable people here that I thought I'd try anyway.
My wife had found these audio cassettes which were only five minutes on one side.  They were perfect for recording one song - chorus only on side A, chorus and piano on side B (which I create using NWC, so it's not too far OT...).  She cannot find any more, but we still need them.  Any of you regulars (who never cease to amaze me) have any idea where to get more?
(I've tried Google, but I guess I'm not adept at searching...).


Re: audio cassettes

Reply #2
Wow, thanks, Fred!
As I said, some of you regulars never cease to amaze me!
The first hit does have some pretty good prices, as does the third.
That first hit is in Canada, and my wife is not sure whether she may write a P.O. out of country, but she'll check into it.
The third hit is in California, so she might be able to use that as a back-up.
I also figured out how to reduce the number of hits from 30,800 to 201, eliminating all of those "mix tape" sites and motivational stuff.

I just went to tell her about these sites, and she is quite thankful for your help.

Regards, Ray M-F